Life update


It’s been a long, long time since I left Praelexis, and a lot has happened since then.

It’s been a very busy period in my life, with ups and downs.

I’ve wanted to write about some of the things that have happened for a while now. But somehow, as the list of things I’ve wanted to write about grew, it somehow became more difficult to start. Kind of like what happens if you try to pour too much cereal at once – everything just gets clogged up and nothing comes out.

Regardless, I’ve decided to just start writing again. For some reason I’d become a little nervous to write – nervous about how I’d be perceived. Maybe a spillover of the fact that when you start a new job (something that’s happened a few times, as you’ll see below), you’re desperate to prove your value, so you become ultra-sensitive to ways in which you could be perceived.

But I’ve re-realized, in some sense, that I began writing mostly for my own person reasons (using it as thinking tool, and a way to “get out” certain thoughts). I still want to write because I think I have valuable things to say, but I don’t want my writing to be attached to any kind of desired outcome. So I want to shake that outcome-dependence a bit. I just want to write for writing’s sake (especially since I actually do a large volume of writing in my professional work). So hopefully this could be a return to that original goal.

Anyway, this preface is long enough already. Here’s what’s happened over the least two-ish years:

Three job changes, a PhD, changing where I live, major pesonal life changes, and more. It’s been an extremely busy two-and-a-bit years.

Each of these events is worth writing about, and I intend to do so about some of them. There’s been a lot of personal growth, and a huge amount of learning; both on a personal and professional level.

It’s been a while, but it feels very good to finally put this out there.

Hopefully more to come soon.